
I have been playing this game now for about 6 months and just recently noticed that all the movies I watch, don’t get counted as pending. Tonight I watched 301. I try to stop on 50 or the next 100, so I can keep track of how many I do in one night. That said, my counter said 301, but my pending said I only did 202. I know it only counts maybes but I sure as heck didn’t get 99 corrects or wrongs. So… can someone please explain what I am missing.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Carol -
You are correct that only the “maybe’s” get counted in the pending counter for redemption points. The calibration movies, that give you correct or wrong responses, immediately award points so these are not accumulated within the pending counter. It is surprising how many calibration movies are actually shown and we don’t realize it is happening. I just competed 300 movies with my sensitivity score maxed out for most of the time and still had 70 calibration movies and 230 real vessels that gave pending points. If you miss a few answers and drop your sensitivity you will be given a higher mix of calibration movies. This can also vary a little just based on the random nature of the selection process. It is not unreasonable that you may have had 99 calibration movies during your 302 movies. Feel free to monitor this number, but I would expect that you will still have about 75 calibration movies for every 300 movies if your sensitivity is at 116 (maxed out).
Hope this reassures you that things seem normal,

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Hi Guy,
Thanks for the response. Well that explains it!! Since getting the big monitor :confused:, I have been noticing all kinds of stuff on here.
I decided to keep track tonight of the "right " or “wrong” answers. Out of 200 movies I got 36 calibrated movies and the rest were maybes. I am still getting used to the monitor. With my screen shot so big, I can see soooo many layers (or deeper into the brain), that I was really messing up my sensitivity big time. Happy to report that I am just a smidge from being back to 100%.
Thanks again for the help,

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