3 hours left in the Catchathon 2021!

Well it wouldn't be a Stall Catchers catchathon if there weren't a few glitches... 🤪

It seems that some people had trouble logging into the site at the beginning - but we fixed the issues now, and hopefully you are all able to continue to play! (If not please let us know via email.)

Our bot friend, GAIA 🤖, also got the stage fright and froze up right before the catchathon 😀 But she has recovered quickly, and has been catching steadily ever since! Look for a full report of how well she did after the catchathon is over.

We also weren't able to live stream the kick-off hangout, but we recorded it, and here it is:

Hear all about our science, the data that comes from Cornell University, our bot GAIA 🤖 and some other bits and bobs about our team and our catchathons!

And of course, please JOIN US in the final hour hangout today at 16:00GMT (12pm ET)! We should be able to live stream it this time, so look for the link on the Stall Catchers chatbox and our social media :) AND if you'd like to join us on Zoom as a panelist, please drop us a note, and we'll send you the invite link.

And last but not least! Here's the current leaderboards... (GAIA 🤖 still has some catching up to do with our super catchers! 😜)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/3-hours-left-in-the-catchathon-2021/