Alzheimer's Day hangout with the scientists & the community of Stall Catchers!

This Saturday, September 21st is World Alzheimer's Day. For this occasion, we are organizing a very special hangout / community call with our scientists and, well -- YOU!

Tune in at 3pm ET / 12pm PT / 7pm UTC on Saturday (Sep 21) to speak with our scientists and... ask them anything! :)

See the tune-in information below...

Click here to add the event with all details to your Google calendar:

Who's going to be on the call?

The call is completely open to everyone, so we expect many of you catchers to call in! :)

Besides that, our rock-star scientist team will be present, including Nozomi Nishimura and Chris Schaffer (Cornell), Pietro Michelucci (HCI) and Andrew Westphal (Berkeley).

How to call in?

The call will take place via the Zoom conferencing platform. You can join from wherever you are in the two following ways:

  1. Call in via the landline numbers provided below (local international numbers available):

Note! Once connected, you will need to dial in the meeting ID: 617 744 235

  1. Join via the Zoom app on your computer or smartphone. You will have to download the app ahead of time, and join the meeting by following this link:
Looking forward to chatting with all of you on Saturday! :)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at