Are you from Seattle / Redmond area, WA? Participate in the #Megathon headquarters LIVE!

If you're local to Redmond / Seattle area, you have an exclusive chance to participate in the #Megathon at it's headquarters!

→ RSVP here

The FREE event starts 10.30 AM PT on April 13 at the Microsoft Redmond Campus, Memphis Room, Building 92!

The event will be hosted by Eyes On ALZ' Pietro Michelucci and kicked off by a Microsoft General Manager. An esteemed panel, including Chris Schaffer from Cornell University and Lori La Bey from Alzheimer's Speaks Radio, as well as all the Megathon catching action at the headquarters will be live streamed on to locations across the US.

P.S. Everyone is welcome! But there's limited seating at the venue, so please RSVP at

You can find the event on Facebook as well here.

More about The Stall Catchers Megathon itself:

Cornell University scientists found a way to restore memories in mice with Alzheimer's...

But finding an effective treatment in humans can take years of manual data analysis if they work on it alone.

That’s why we built Stall Catchers - an online game that anyone can play to help speed up this research. (Learn more about the game: When you play the game you are helping the Cornell scientists analyze the data.

The Megathon

On April 13, we are asking people everywhere to join us for a FREE online MEGATHON event. We aim to gather 100 000 people to work together for one hour and complete a year’s worth of research. And at the end of that hour, we will announce and explain the key research result that was made possible by everyone playing Stall Catchers.

So please sign up and spread the word! We need YOUR help to make this important goal happen. Once you register, we will send you all the guidance you may need to participate and invite others to join you!

Sign up on or just participate on the day! The Megathon will take place on April 13, 2019, 10.30am-12.30pm PT.

Megathon info & sign up:

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