Austrian catchathon breaks record! (guest post)

Wow! Our Austrian catchathon was a hell of a ride and we are very happy to announce that we broke the World Stall Catchers Record for maximum hourly annotations! Check out this plot:

We call this newly formed peak the ‘Sound of Music’ spike. This made all of the participants yodeling out loud when we crossed the finish line, especially our Guest Prof. Pietro Michelucci. If you want to see Pietro wearing a traditional alpine hat and him kicking off the event with the tiniest cow-bell the world has ever seen, re-watch the live event here:

If you don’t have enough time to watch the complete movie, take a quick look at the main results here:

Also we would to invite anybody who is interested in organizing such an event to get in touch with us at the Open Innovation in Science Research and Competence Center and the team of EyesOnALZ. Here are some quick and dirty Do’s and Don’t’s for the a start:


  • Invite Pietro to your event, he is absolutely fantastic!
  • Organize a Webinar for Team Captains beforehand & provide them with a checklist
  • Serve the players foods associated with Alzheimer preventive effects like berries, avocados and nuts


  • Don’t force your players to eat too much of this healthy food, because this might decrease the overall performance of your team ☺
  • Don’t get nervous when your internet connection breaks down, make sure there is a back-up plan for this

We thank all of the Stall Catchers team members, especially Egle, Ieva and Pietro for their support in organizing this event. This was a great success story and we hope to pass the Catchathon torch (evtl. a dip net?!) to the next organizing team.

Who is next in line?

Ben ( & Patrick (

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at