Austrian Catchathon on the way (guest post)

Yes, we have more to offer than Mozart, Arnold Schwarzenegger and “The Sound of Music”!

We are happy to announce an Austrian Catchathon to support Alzheimer's research. After the great success of the first International Catchathon, we are proud to host our own alpinistic version of a Catchathon on the World Alzheimers Day on September 21st. (Details of the LIVE event TBA.)

Yes, we sure have a lot of mountains in Austria, but also a lot of motivated citizen scientists who want to actively get engaged in research. Check out the various projects from our cooperation partner Citizen Science Austria. Great projects!

Also, we are happy to welcome Pietro Michelucci at the Open Innovation in Science Center in Austria for this event. Without a doubt, Pietro’s visit will be fruitful for us and hopefully for him a culinary-cultural experience. We hope to engage a lot of citizens in this event and will keep you posted on this blog. Let’s catch some stalls, together!

Ben & Patrick (Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, Austria)

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