Austrian Citizen Science Conference & Stall Catchers challenge in Salzburg next week!

Next week we're setting off for Salzburg, Austria, where we have been invited to attend the Austrian Citizen Science Conference, "Generation Citizen Science".

We'll be there for 3 days, starting February 1st, with a Stall Catchers booth (and a challenge! keep reading for that one...), a talk by Pietro and a workshop on a new citizen science project, MeSearch, which Human Computation Institute & LBG Open Innovation in Science Centre (Vienna) are collaborating on right now.

Stall Catchers "Citizen Science Action Day" challenge

As part of our visit, we will be joining the "Action Day" at the University of Salzburg on 3rd February, with a Stall Catchers booth & a challenge! We will demonstrate the game and ask visitors to the booth to try it themselves.

The "Citizen Science Action Day" challenge will run all day, with double points in the game. Catchers on-site who manage to analyze the most movies will win special Stall Catchers prizes!

Looking forward to recruiting new catchers at the foot of the Alps 🏔 !

If you have ideas, questions or suggestions related to EyesOnALZ, Stall Catchers, Alzheimer's disease or citizen science in general, drop by our forum! You can also always reach us at

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