Catchathon 2018: final & country leaderboards! 🌍🌏🌎

And the final results are in!!

Our apologies for the long wait - our countries features are not quite worked out yet, so Pietro worked for a day or two to semi manually determine all these numbers, and then I worked to make the leaderboards! 😄

We had a total of 398 catchers join us this year!! That's more than double compared to Catchathon 2017 💜 And here's the Top 20 catchers, by research movies analyzed!

Catchathon 2018 Top 20 Catchers, by research movies analyzed. See lab equivalent research time on the right.

42 teams competed this year, compared to 23 teams in 2017! Here's the Top 20 teams by research movies:

Catchathon 2018 Top 20 Teams, by research movies analyzed. See lab equivalent research time on the right.
And here's how countries did!

Note: Your contributions were counted towards a country if you told us via the google form which one. If not, then your score was included in the "Earth"!

Catchathon 2018 - countries by research movies analyzed. See lab equivalent research time on the right.

Congrats to everyone from the **United States** - you contributed the most number of research movies during the entire catchathon! **Austria** worked hard for the second place, and **Lithuania** claimed the third! (*Very glad about that - totally not biased* 😇) During the **Golden Hour** (17-18:00UTC, September 21), which was streamed live (replay it [here](, here's how countries did...
Catchathon 2018 Golden Hour - countries by research movies analyzed. See lab equivalent research time on the right.

Note: We included Austria's own Golden Hour that they held at a different time (10-11:00 UTC, September 21) into the results above. Their Golden Hour was also streamed live (and attended by Pietro) and you can replay it [here]( A number of countries worked hard to max out on contributions in the last hour of the catchathon, especially **Nigeria**, who were rallying their catchers & buying more data until the last minute! Here's how countries did in the **last hour** of the event:
Catchathon 2018 Final Hour - countries by research movies analyzed. See lab equivalent research time on the right.
And finally, here's more fun info on the countries that participated!
Catchathon 2018 countries by catchers.
Catchathon 2018 average number of movies analyzed per catcher in each country.

Way to go Israel with 998 movies per (the one and only!) catcher! Right behind are two other "I's" - Ireland & Iran.

Thank you all again for such an exhilarating and inspiring catchathon this year - for standing together as a planet, breaking Stall Catchers, records and fighting Alzheimer's together! 💜

Final Catchathon 2018 infographic & update on the progress on the new dataset are coming next! Stay tuned!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at