As you might have already heard, we are spearheading a cross-project CitSciDayHERO challenge (celebrating Citizen Science Day 2018), involving citizen science digital badges that we’ve been developing…
There’s more of a story behind the badges, coming soon… but in the meantime… YOU’re invited to participate, claim your badges, and become CitSciDay heroes!!!
The challenge will run until 9am ET, April 21st.
More about the challenge on the blog here:
Step-by-step instructions are here:
The Stall Catchers badge claim code is on the main game interface once you login! (with a link to claim it)
####And you can ask any questions here of course
have fun!!!
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Saw something puzzling on the Badgecraft site. I was asked to confirm the membership of someone on Cochrane Crowd and was presented with a picture of a flower (which I rejected as not being valid evidence). If anyone inadvertently uploaded the wrong picture, please try again!
Oooh that’s were it went!! I actually asked @MikeLandau to do that (upload any random “evidence”), because I know he’s a participant and I wanted to issue the badge.
But I wonder why it went to someone else on the project rather than the owner…
I will look into it, thank you !!
We added a new badge!!
To make things even LOUDER and more fun, we added another badge to the challenge: CitSci Village-Crier which you can claim if you share something about #CitSciDayHERO on social media !
Here’s how to claim it:
Earn at least one project badge within the CitSciDay Hero challenge (step-by-step instructions here)
Share a post or one of your badges with the world (any social media channel or network) with the #CitSciDayHERO hashtag
Go to and enter claim code “citsci-crier”
Click “Start quest” → upload icon and upload evidence - a link or a screenshot of your post → “Submit for admin approval”
We’ll take care of the rest!! 
More on the blog:
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I’ve been receiving a bunch of requests to verify evidence, so it appears to be a crowd-sourced kind of activity. I don’t mind doing it if I have the relevant knowledge (for example, I can log on to Mark2Cure to verify that someone is registered there), but I’m reluctant to provide a rubber-stamp approval for someone I know nothing about, based on a screenshot from a website where I am not a member. It would be helpful if provided some guidelines on sufficiently stringent standards for verifying evidence.
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Thanks for the feedback, @Tacitsci - we actually had a choice whether to allow all project participants to verify evidence or just project admins. I thought it would be fun (and quicker!) to allow all members to take part!
We don’t want to be stringent here at all - hopefully the more people see & hear about citizen science through badges, the more of them will become interested and want to continue to participate. Since our requirements for issuing the badges have been low (just register or make one contribution if the projects requires it to see you as participant), we’ve kind of been taking it easy.
In the future, when we start to give out badges for actual contributions and/or skills and knowledge gained in citizen science projects, we’ll set up more stringent requirements. And - that’s a very great suggestion - we can share clear guidelines with other members in the project (i.e. other badge earners) about verifying evidence, if we allow them to do that!
In any case, you can of course just ignore the requests for evidence if you’re not sure about it - they should show up in my (admin) or other member’s dashboard and we can verify it (or not).
And also a good idea for BadgeCraft - we could suggest a feature to them that would only send evidence requests to people who have gained that particular badge!! In that case, only actual legitimate earners, i.e. people already familiar with that project or activity, would be able to verify evidence.
Thanks much for this feedback @Tacitsci - it’s very useful as we continue to build on this badge experience!!! And thank you for verifying part of the evidence - takes the load off of admin (me
) a bit!!
Does anyone else have any feedback to share about this challenge, badges, BadgeCraft or else? All thoughts welcome!!! 
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Good news!! #CitSciDayHERO challenge extended until Monday, April 23, 9amET
So if you haven’t claimed your mission badges or the CitSciDayHERO badge yet, you can do so this weekend!
All details here on the blog:
And here’s the latest stats:
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Hello !
Can the list of the 12 Heros be consulted somewhere?
Is it possible to consult somewhere the list of the 132 Heros of the challenge please ?
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Hello @christiane - no, we can’t name them all as we don’t have permission… the ones we can are in this final blog post: !
Thanks all for participating !!
I’m a bit disappointed. I worked a week long on this challenge in rather difficult circonstances : on holliday with very bad internet-connection.
I now that the result of the challenge is not the most important reason of playing, but still …
Hi @christiane - my apologies for taking a while to answer.
I added your name to the blog post !!
We don’t have an official permission to share the names of earners that we see via BadgeCraft, so I didn’t want to assume they are OK with it, before I published their names on the blog… glad you reached out though - happy to have you on there!!
Thank you again for your dedication and the contributions that you have made 

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