CitSciDay HERO challenge - step by step

Bellow are the step-by-step instructions for participating in the CitSciDay HERO challenge, 14-21 April. More about it here.

Step 1. To join the challenge follow this link and register.

Make sure you confirm your email address! :) If you're already registere, you'll already be able to see all the available badges.

Step 2. Completing the missions:

To qualify for the Biomed Researcher badge, register in three out of seven biomed citsci projects and follow the instructions provided by project owners to collect project badges:

Once you collect three or more badges from the mission, click here to collect your BioMed Researcher badge!

To qualify for the CitSci Gamer badge, register in three out of seven citsci games and follow the instructions provided by project owners to collect project badges:

Once you collect three or more badges from the mission, click here to collect your CitSci Gamer badge!

To qualify for the **SciStarter Explorer**, register in three out of the eight projects bellow and provide evidence:

Once you collect three or more badges from the mission, click here to collect your SciStarter Explored badge!

Step 3. Once you complete all three missions and collect the mission badges, click here and claim your CitSciDay HERO badge!

If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulties claiming your badges, you can email us at any time or inquire on our forum!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at