Congrats to *Dr.* Mohammad Haft-Javaherian for successfully defending his PhD thesis! 🎓

Big congratulations to DR Mohammad Haft-Javaherian, whose place in the annals of EyesOnALZ & Stall Catchers is secured by his many technical contributions, including notably his automated approach to finding vessel segments that alleviated a key analytic bottleneck in Stall Catchers preprocessing!

See Mohammad's recent publication describing some of these methods here.

Mohammad's central aim throughout his tenure with EyesOnALZ has been to replace himself with machine automation. At the outset and for much of the project, Mohammad has himself served as a critical path component in the preprocessing data pipeline for Stall Catchers. Thus, deeply understanding his own role in data preparation combined with is exceptional analytic and technical abilities, made it possible for him to invent new machine-based algorithms to perform his own work. In the end, he was wildly successful in making himself obsolete - as a pre-processor, and irreplaceable as a data scientist.

We wish him the very best in his new postdoc position!! 🎉

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