#CrowdCloudLIVE hangout to feature Stall Catchers players, Wednesday 8pm ET

On Wednesday The Crowd & The Cloud* are hosting a very special #CrowdCloudLIVE hangout, which will highlight the #CrushALZ competition and include a live panel of Stall Catchers players and people behind the game!

Tune in to The Crowd & The Cloud Facebook page at 8pm (US Eastern Time) on Wednesday!

The confirmed panel includes:
  • K. Coralee Burch or kcoralee - long term catcher at Stall Catchers! Coralee runs Stall Catchers sessions at her retirement community - Hawthorne at Leesburg, one of which was featured in The Crowd & The Cloud!
  • Judy Johanson - caregiver & another heroine of the documentary! Judy and her husband Steve appeared in the first episode of The Crowd and The Cloud. Among other things, Judy is organizing a Stall Catchers sessions in her community for The Longest Day on June 21!
  • Ms Erin Davis or Adavis5 - a teacher at the Lake Hazel Middle School and the leader of the winning Middle School STEM team!!! We're looking forward to finding out how the team recruited so many dedicated middle school students ! 🙃
  • gcalkins - the catcher who almost brought CitSci Gamers team to victory! :))
  • caprarom - another top catcher & a Stall Catchers long timer!! caprarom has been helping our "home" team - EyesOnALZ during #CrushALZ!
  • Claire Baert or justacea - the creator of the amazing citizensciencegames.com and the manager of the CitSci Gamers team on Stall Catchers!
  • Diane Bovenkamp or DianeBovenkamp - and enthusiastic catchers and representative of the BrightFocus Foundation which funds the EyesOnALZ project!
  • Pietro Michelucci or pmichelu - our principal investigator and inspirational leader at EyesOnALZ! 😋
  • Chris Schaffer or Chris - principal investigator at the Schaffer-Nishimura Lab, Cornell University, who is responsible for the Alzheimer's research behind Stall Catchers! You will hear all about the science from Chris ...

The hangout host is Geoff Haines-Stiles - producer of The Crowd & The Cloud!

*The Crowd & The Cloud is a PBS documentary mini-series, premièred last month! Episode 1 features Stall Catchers & EyesOnALZ, watch that segment here:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/crowdcloudlive-stallcatchers/