#CrushALZ Daily: Day 12 is through, and middle schoolers are back to #CrushALZ!

The holidays seem farther and farther behind, with teams back to take Stall Catchers by the storm!

We're nearing records with 11 692 vessels annotated yesterday! But all about it below...

Catch up on all reports on the #CrushALZ competition on our blog - handy links here!

Day 12 Start of day: April 17, 8pm ET End of day: April 18, 8pm ET Hours: 24

Teams: 22 Total vessels annotated: 11692 ↑119.36 Real vessels annotated: 6521↑94.02 -- Proportion of Real vessels: 56% Progress toward research goal: 13.39% Equivalent lab time: up to 7 weeks

Leading teams:

Middle School STEM are back! That's right - it must have been the holiday break that slowed them down, but middle school students and staff are back, and they brought new troop with them! The team has gained 15 new members since yesterday, and took 1st place in the daily leaderboard! Congrats!

Previous leaders for several days in a row, Stall Destroyers, were left behind having scored less than half of the points of Middle School STEM! The third place was taken again by CitSciGamers, followed by EyesOnALZ and STALLS WILL NOT PASS who stole the 5th place from Alzheimer's Research UK!

All time results

Not suprisingly, Middle School STEM took the first place back from CitSciGamers in the All time leaderboard too!

Stall Destroyers are still maintaining their strong 3rd position, while no other reshuffling took place (for now anyway!)

Other news:
  • 90 thousand! We have now annotated a total of 90 648 vessels during #CrushALZ! 100 thousand milestone coming soon! We were also just a couple thousand vessels short of 50 thousand real vessels yesterday, having annotated 48 196.
  1. Welcoming a new team of catchers - Nielsen Lab NeuroNinjas, "Dr. H. Nielsen research group from Stockholm University" ! Help them out by joining their team via this link. See you on the leaderboard, Nielsen Lab!

  2. Speed doubles two days in a row! Day 11 marked a doubling in total annotations: from 2 375 on Day 10 to 5 330 on Day 11. And it has happened again! We have annotated 11 692 vessels on Day 12 - a nice trend to follow isn't it? :)

Looks like we're reaching the high we started with at #CrushALZ !!

We're on the right track to #CrushALZ!! Let's keep at it!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/crushalz-day-twelve/