#CrushALZ Daily: Lazy catchers' Saturday still breaks through 30% goal on Day 23!

Weekends have been known to be slightly lazy times in Stall Catchers - but we still managed to analyse almost 3.5 thousand real vessels and shave off up to 0.5 weeks off the potential lab analysis time in one day!

Read the report of Day 23 of #CrushALZ below...

Catch up on all the reports here, and join the competition to #CrushALZ if you haven't yet - there's still time!

Day 23 Start of day: April 28, 8pm ET End of day: April 29, 8pm ET Hours: 24

Teams: 28 Total vessels annotated: 6140 ↓63.15 Real vessels annotated: 3468↓60.47 -- Proportion of Real vessels: 56.48% Progress toward research goal: 30.63% Equivalent lab time: up to 15.9 weeks

Daily leaders:

Some surprises in the daily leaderboard on Day 23! CitSciGamers have taken the 1st place again - but it's not like they are not used to winning 😜... EyeWirers, on the other hand, have broken out to 2nd place!! For a team created 9 days ago, that is a pretty cool achievement!! On the other hand, we all know EyeWire.org folks are citizen science gamers to the core .. 😜

Stall Destroyers were left in 3rd again, with EyesOnALZ in 4th, and Middle School STEM falling to 5th! (Weekend-mode ...)

STALLS WILL NOT PASS have dropped to 6th place, but we are happy to see two teams new to the leaderboard - ALZ Bees and Foo Campers, who have been lurking in the background for a while, and now they're out!

Alzheimer's Research UK and ECSA took the 8th and 10th places among the daily Top 10.

All time:

Flipped once more! CitSciGamers are in the lead again in the All time leaderboard. For now anyway... 🙃

We broke through 30% of the research dataset!

On Day 23 we passed the 30% checkmark on the research progress bar. We've been going especially fast during Week 3 of #CrushALZ!

This is great news, and we will keep going until we reach 100% - even if it happens after the #CrushALZ competition ends

We will still be catching just as much in teams and individually after the competition too, right ?! 😜

AND we might have a way to reduce the number of annotations we need per vessel (currently it is 20), so we can go through the data a lot faster! But I am not allowed to share any more spoilers about that yet... 🙃

Happy Sunday everyone, and have a relaxing day of catching! 😜

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/crushalz-day-twentythree/