#CrushALZ Daily: more gamers are coming on Day 15! (and quick look at Day 14)

Daily #CrushALZ reports are back! We ran into some computer-calculation related problems yesterday and needed to help them out a bit to get the daily scores of Day 14 and Day 15 (that's why we call it "human computation" 😈 well, kind of anyway). But we couldn't get the numbers to you in time yesterday 🙁 sorry about that!

In any case, we're back, and we have the full results of Day 15 & a glance at Day 14 leaderboards ready for you! See below...

Note: the live daily and weekly leaderboards on Stall Catchers are still a little out-of-whack! Apologies for that, we are working on fixing them & will reset them to their proper state at midnight UTC tonight. In any case - your overall & team scores are safe!

Note2: If you haven't joined the competition to #CrushALZ yet, you should 😛 More info here!

Day 15 Start of day: April 20, 8pm ET End of day: April 21, 8pm ET Hours: 24

Teams: 23 Total vessels annotated: 6836 ↓23.47 Real vessels annotated: 3579↓29.18 -- Proportion of Real vessels: 52% Progress toward research goal: 17.63% Equivalent lab time: up to 9.2 weeks

Daily leaders, Day 14 & 15:

We have some tough competition going on for the top ranks! CitSciGamers have lost their leader title to Stall Destroyers on Day 14, who jumped from the third position, overtaking Middle School STEM too! Middle School STEM were left in second place, and CitSciGamers in third.

However, that did not stay true for too long, as Middle School STEM grabbed the leader title from Stall Destroyers on Day 15, CitSciGamers still lagging behind. But we hear they're stirring up again, so competitors beware!

Live from #CrushALZ (@eyesonalz). The #CitSci #Gamers team might be about to come back on top of the leaderboard. Awesome job by gcalkins! pic.twitter.com/mqTg7x005j

— CitizenScienceGames (@CS__Games) April 22, 2017

Also, great to see KMS Genius Hour & STALLS WILL NOT PASS climbing to the top ranks of the leaderboard! Just behind them was Alzheimer's Research UK.

Another lovely surprise! More gamers are coming to Stall Catchers in the form of EyeWirers - from what we can gather, the veterans of the EyeWire neuro-citizen science game!

There are cubes at eyewire.org and clips here, but it's all For Science! join EyeWirers by following this link.

This is about to get REALLY fun, people!

We hear the Eyewire players have created a team on @eyesonalz's Stallcatchers. Working together for science! pic.twitter.com/Jp5tiQJMjr

— EyeWire (@eye_wire) April 21, 2017
All time, Day 14 & 15:

Not much has changed in the All time leaderboards on Day 14 & 15, as the leaders have strong hold on the top ten. However, it seems that CitSciGamers are only a little behind Middle School STEM, and might get ahead very soon, if middle schoolers aren't careful!

More about all the milestones we've achieved so far are coming in the Week 2 wrap up! Stay tuned!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/crushalz-day-fifteen/