Day 21 of the #CrushALZ competition on Stall Catchers is done, and so is Week 3! Stand by for the full weekly report later, and look at the Day 21 leaderboards below...
We have one week & a bit left to #CrushALZ!! Join us if you haven't yet. Here's how.
Day 21 Start of day: April 26, 8pm ET End of day: April 27, 8pm ET Hours: 24
Teams: 28
Total vessels annotated: 10409 ↓5.14
Real vessels annotated: 5885↓5.63
-- Proportion of Real vessels: 56.54%
Progress toward research goal: 26.27%
Equivalent lab time: up to 13.9 weeks
Back to claim their daily leader position again are Stall Destroyers, followed by Middle School STEM and CitSciGamers. Interestingly though, while before the three teams were going hand-in-hand, CitSciGamers were now left with less than half the amount of points than the other two teams!
Careful, CitSciGamers, because EyeWirers are catching up with you too, climbing to 4th place on Day 21!
STALLS WILL NOT PASS are right behind, leaving the #CrushALZ veterans EyesOnALZ, Alzheimer's Research UK and Cornell Univ in 6th-8th places.
And last but not least, our newest caregiver team Purple Canoe Club are climbing up the leaderboard, with Hawthorne at Leesburg retirement community team right behind!
All time:Our top three all time leaders reshuffled again on Day 21, due to the high daily results achieved by Stall Destroyers!
Meanwhile, Alzheimer's Research UK have lost their position to the steadily climbing STALLS WILL NOT PASS, while EyeWirers did the same to Cornell Univ!
EyesOnALZ, KMS Genius Hour and BrightFocus Foundation are maintaining their positions for now.
Can someone sneak up to take the leader title for themselves in the days that remain..? We say YES!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at