#CrushALZ Daily: Upside down report of Day 7 🙃

Day 7 is over and - guess what - so is Week 1 of the #CrushALZ competition!

We'll make this daily report quick & upside down ... 🙃 But only because there's a longer Weekly report coming later today, so stay tuned!

It is not too late to join - we still have 3 weeks & a bit to #CrushALZ! Full guidance here.

Day 7 Start of day: April 12, 8pm ET End of day: April 13, 8pm ET Hours: 24

Teams: 18 Total vessels annotated: 7446 ↓3.77% Real vessels annotated: 3842↑9.21% -- Proportion of Real vessels: 52% Progress toward research goal: 8.35%

Leading teams:

Stall Destroyers are continuing the war with stalls in 10th place on Day 7! Right next to them, some 4K points over is ECSA - team of the European Citizen Science Association. Alzheimer's Research UK had a further 2K point advantage, while Leysin American School - fans of citizen science in Switzerland, got 7K more points & took 7th place! Next were the leaderboard all timers - BrightFocus Foundation & Citizen Science Plus with over 50K points each. Multiply that amount 6 times & you have the top leaders - KMS Genius Hour and EyesOnALZ with around 300K points each !! But of course - no one can catch up to the absolute leaders of late, Middle School STEM with 464 692 points & CitSciGamers with 521 575.

Nice work teams!!

So close!

We were just 54 vessels short of 60 000 total vessels at the end of Day 7!! On the other hand, we reached 30 070 real vessels. Congrats all Stall Catchers!

That's still short of the research goal - which was 8.35% completed at the end of Day 7 - but getting there!

Have a fun catcher's Friday everyone, and stand by for Week 1 report!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/crushalz-day-seven/