Day 17 of #CabinFever - leaderboards!

Here's results of the #CabinFever challenge Day 17!

Teams by points - Day 17

Team Points - Day 17 1MemoryCafes1750736 2testing1533579 3krissi1423037 4Canada930470 5Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day916251 6First Stone847223 7Dementia Action Week457821 8I See Stalls377090 9Port Angeles, WA99624 10This is our Life62059 11Appaloosa Library61704 12MinnesotaNice54084 13Grandad's Army41362 14Ring Catchers35316 15DutchCatchers30620 16Alz Seekers11904 17Scotch Plains Library9590 18Alzheimer's Research UK5458 19Arizona State University3402 2015apotato.3339 21Alz Together Now3127 22UniqueMappers1265 23Teambumper1230 24LAPL1195 25TheSciFiMed606 26Orchard Park Public Library5 27ALZ Bees2

Teams by research movies - Day 17

Team Research movies - Day 17 1MemoryCafes1195 2testing1007 3krissi812 4Canada705 5First Stone691 6Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day491 7I See Stalls340 8Dementia Action Week199 9Grandad's Army117 10Appaloosa Library88 11Port Angeles, WA75 12MinnesotaNice64 13This is our Life49 14Ring Catchers46 15DutchCatchers35 16Arizona State University28 17Alz Seekers26 18Scotch Plains Library13 19UniqueMappers13 2015apotato.10 21Alz Together Now7 22Alzheimer's Research UK4 23Teambumper3 24LAPL1 25TheSciFiMed0 26Orchard Park Public Library0 27ALZ Bees0

Note: the leaderboards below are for the entire challenge.

School teams by points & research movies - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 18

School teamPointsResearch movies 1Ring Catchers198326308 2HB Woodlawn 7th Grade Stall Catchers67937198 3Teutopolis Wooden Shoes25598 4Unioto Citizen Science Team6973

Teams by points and research movies - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 18

Team PointsResearch movies 1testing29,479,93123025 2MemoryCafes22,775,69417927 3krissi10,926,4888229 4Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day9,584,4587959 5Canada9,339,2627236 6First Stone7,277,5896623 7I See Stalls6,113,9165531 8This is our Life2,879,8032416 9Dementia Action Week2,092,8181187 10Port Angeles, WA1,711,0211949 11Kaunas Makerspace1,437,055955 12MinnesotaNice534,484617 13DutchCatchers456,057554 14CrowdAndCloud307,510195 15Team PH220,289330 16Ring Catchers198,326308 17lets stop alz149,796374 1815apotato.114,588233 19STALLS WILL NOT PASS78,708134 20HB Woodlawn 7th Grade Stall Catchers67,937198 21Appaloosa Library61,70488 22Alz Together Now53,361131 23Alzheimer's Research UK50,965110 24UniqueMappers45,507106 25Arizona State University44,24293 26Grandad's Army41,362117 27Deerwood Science Lovers!40,84065 28Singularity204527,17124 29Scotch Plains Library26,38265 30AseanPlus StallCatchers15,92237 31SciStarter12,53622 32Alz Seekers11,90426 33Dr. Masayoshi8,54313 34Team OKC6,5637 35Portgas D Cora6,21014 36CVGS4,9755 374LizMol4,6516 38Winners3,4564 39TheSciFiMed2,6395 40Teutopolis Wooden Shoes2,5598 41Lexington Goes Purple2,06110 42LAPL1,4852 43stall destruction1,3991 44Teambumper1,2303 45Veterans for Research1,00413 46EyesOnALZ9680 47MLCL8841 48CIÊNCIA CIDADÃ7340 49Unioto Citizen Science Team6973 50Orchard Park Public Library4731 51Stalls to the wall1091 52Jesa-Acid890 53JuneauLibrary680 54ALZ Bees50

Users by points and research movies - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 18

UsernamePointsResearch movies 1Badstallsbadbad2947993123025 2caprarom★2242136317601 3christiane109264888229 4jkaufbenefits95844587959 5KarisFraMauro93105857168 6Nicktho72775896623 7Carol_aka_Mema★57699595075 8Thomas_Adams28768642416 9grampa138717110211949 10elAmber1437055955 11ababbie1401990742 12Uganalandia690828445 13mamaanne534484617 14Lies456456057554 15sachambers★301905180 16MemoryCafeDirectory255218267 17sean4046230193190 18orbithunter220289330 19alex_bervoets165581266 20brodydashawesome136568356 21seplute/HQ9546857 22HCresAlz89917244 23Jania78708134 24CarryGod71100202 25Carrot70527170 26BluePrairie6170488 27Westy5650965110 28Zinnykal44877106 2989o4320657 30chairstar42245112 31OnTheBrink41362117 32auvielee3676973 33jgerridgemiller2951667 34DreamLab2717124 35pietro/HQ2698549 36No_one_goingto_beat_zach2692036 37macandcheese2384722 38Tluk2098128 39jlee43911592237 40G-Man1377924 41BIGJOE20201367127 42Carolyne_Mason1203128 43Sherry_Keener1190426 44EvelienHuyghe1176414 45taudesirk1065719 46Heatherle854313 47patch65637 48Ale560515 49Debgies46516 50Lkammer34448 51DylanCVGS33103 52Portgas32279 53Noa29835 54SC_Admin29390 55callekid29085 56Boomer286716 57Jacob26395 58courtneyhoene25598 59ryangallagh3r16652 60evanfunky13991 61Austin_Hilgart13590 62bumper12303 63Marie_Carlsson11951 64mharp11197 65badhop55100413 66JonandPaco8841 67Password8556 68Kathleen_Mack7582 69jerbialdo7340 70OreoSherman6973 71priscannetu6300 72MemoryCatcher4640 73Selchie4590 74Tatting4471 75John_Sheahan2930 76Yougurt2492 77th0mms3n1091 78achraf_hallaoui890 79Daniel_Cornwall680 80psjcamerl470 81ravekitten2550 82LShenoy50 83Hajar20 84jlopez8920 85Teeman00

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