Day 25 of #CabinFever - leaderboards!

Here's results of the #CabinFever challenge Day 25!

Teams by points & research points - Day 25

Team Points - Day 24Research movies - Day 24 1MemoryCafes897736686 2Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day598658553 3First Stone515629421 4krissi407835328 5I See Stalls358369331 6testing328280270 7LAPL211092440 8Canada176050157 9Port Angeles, WA153313192 10DutchCatchers111113151 11STALLS WILL NOT PASS69994107 12MinnesotaNice6837669 13This is our Life2215611 14Dementia Action Week1461626 15Cadette 6245938447 16Scotch Plains Library8100 17Singularity20452763 18CVGS1551

Note: the leaderboards below are for the entire challenge.

School teams by points & research movies - entire challenge, up until 13pm ET, April 26

School teamPointsResearch movies 1Ring Catchers538,848877 2HB Woodlawn 7th Grade Stall Catchers85,520229 3Drakes!13,29534 4Cadette 624593,8447 5Teutopolis Wooden Shoes2,5598 6Unioto Citizen Science Team6973 7PA Bulldogs2161 8Girl Scout troop 23291810

Library teams by points & research movies - entire challenge, up until 13pm ET, April 26

Libraries teamPointsResearch movies 1LAPL387,192802 2Appaloosa Library108,335149 3Scotch Plains Library43,370105 4MLCL8841 5Orchard Park Public Library4731 6JuneauLibrary680

‌‌‌Teams by points and research movies - entire challenge, up until 13pm ET, April 26

TeamPointsResearch movies 1. testing42,898,23333356 2. MemoryCafes31,545,08624556 3. krissi16,113,68812276 4. Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day13,536,22411342 5. Canada12,910,20910324 6. First Stone11,897,54710730 7. I See Stalls9,538,6438583 8. This is our Life3,596,3153120 9. Port Angeles, WA3,046,4903460 10. Dementia Action Week2,716,2191690 11. Kaunas Makerspace1,437,055955 12. MinnesotaNice840,238931 13. DutchCatchers798,1661065 14. Ring Catchers538,848877 15. LAPL387,192802 16. CrowdAndCloud307,510195 17. Team PH293,808408 18. Alz Together Now182,886310 19. STALLS WILL NOT PASS181,138305 20. lets stop alz149,849375 21. fortnite gamers140,192255 22. 15apotato.131,101286 23. Grandad's Army129,118252 24. Appaloosa Library108,335149 25. Austria103,12416 26. HB Woodlawn 7th Grade Stall Catchers85,520229 27. Deerwood Science Lovers!54,22292 28. Alzheimer's Research UK50,965110 29. UniqueMappers45,507106 30. Arizona State University44,57694 31. Scotch Plains Library43,370105 32. Singularity204529,37028 33. CVGS21,79342 34. AseanPlus StallCatchers15,92237 35. Drakes!13,29534 36. SciStarter12,74322 37. Alz Seekers11,90426 38. Team OKC10,40323 39. Dr. Masayoshi8,54313 40. teamcrusties6,56023 41. Portgas D Cora6,21014 42. 4LizMol4,6516 43. Teambumper4,1747 44. Cadette 624593,8447 45. Winners3,4564 46. TheSciFiMed2,7415 47. Teutopolis Wooden Shoes2,5598 48. Brain Helpers Besties!2,2704 49. Lexington Goes Purple2,06110 50. ccaldara2,0323 51. stall destruction1,3991 52. Veterans for Research1,00413 53. EyesOnALZ9680 54. MLCL8841 55. Verizon7520 56. CIÊNCIA CIDADÃ7340 57. Unioto Citizen Science Team6973 58. Orchard Park Public Library4731 59. EHC ALZ warriors2680 60. PA Bulldogs2161 61. Girl Scout troop 23291810 62. Stalls to the wall1091 63. Jesa-Acid890 64. JuneauLibrary680 65. ALZ Bees50

Users by points and research movies - entire challenge, up until 13pm ET, April 26

UsernamePointsResearch movies 1Badstallsbadbad4289823333356 2caprarom★3110027624086 3christiane1611368812276 4jkaufbenefits1348895711256 5KarisFraMauro1278879910094 6Nicktho1189754710730 7Carol_aka_Mema★85354797503 8Thomas_Adams35838643118 9grampa138730464903460 10ababbie1820100971 11elAmber1437055955 12Uganalandia896119719 13sean4046855701706 14mamaanne840238931 15Lies4567981661065 16alex_bervoets449203742 17Marie_Carlsson386281799 18MemoryCafeDirectory326325396 19sachambers★301905180 20orbithunter293808408 21HCresAlz214802434 22Jania148702241 23brodydashawesome136568356 24OnTheBrink129118252 25Fela119339208 26seplute/HQ11484072 27BluePrairie108335149 28Karli10312416 29CarryGod87218229 30G-Man77992128 31chairstar75228194 32Carrot70527170 33Tluk6114086 34Westy5650965110 3589o4770983 36Kogrady4726786 37jgerridgemiller45694107 38Zinnykal44877106 39auvielee3683674 40rawlsy253243664 41DreamLab2937028 42macandcheese2884637 43Paradoxick2852058 44pietro/HQ2703850 45No_one_goingto_beat_zach2692036 46Maurice2085347 47jlee43911592237 48Mohamed2051543429 49BIGJOE20201367127 50BigConn1338227 51lhatch2241329534 52Carolyne_Mason1203128 53Sherry_Keener1190426 54EvelienHuyghe1176414 55taudesirk1065719 56patch1040323 57DylanCVGS999811 58Tom_Adams95122 59Jocabulary905227 60Heatherle854313 61Ale560515 62ashtray487418 63Debgies46516 64bumper41747 65dsbrown2137478 66lookatcurryman363415 67Mariam34484 68Lkammer34448 69ryangallagh3r32527 70Portgas32279 71Noa29835 72SC_Admin29390 73callekid29085 74Ajl200828885 75Boomer286716 76Jacob27415 77courtneyhoene25598 78liba21050 79ccaldara20323 80carlyyyyy16665 81RiRi14584 82evanfunky13991 83Austin_Hilgart13590 84Dudelsack13076 85lillycastro11621 86mharp11197 87badhop55100413 88skelsey9462 89JonandPaco8841 90Password8556 91snescience8100 92Kathleen_Mack7582 93jerbialdo7340 94Rezalder7300 95OreoSherman6973 96priscannetu6300 97chnickerson4740 98Sonja4732 99MemoryCatcher4640 100Selchie4590 101Tatting4471 102John_Sheahan2930 103Nynla2680 104Yougurt2492 105CBellOperatesNow2161 106Christina4441810 107LizC1480 108th0mms3n1091 109achraf_hallaoui890 110Daniel_Cornwall680 111psjcamerl470 112zeppelin13430320 113Martlu5220 114Pooplandlover111200 115111222outside100 116mshoji70 117ravekitten2550 118LShenoy50 119Hajar20 120jlopez8920 121Teeman00 122lindahwuli00

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