Day 3 of #CabinFever + Bonus round leaderboards!

Three days fighting this pesky #CabinFever and... we've already done almost 20 days* of lab work for Alzheimer's research!!!

Isn't that amazing? That's the power of citizen science for you - that's how much we can achieve simply by staying at home and playing Stall Catchers :)

* We have a special formula to convert the research movies you analyze to equivalent lab time. Fun fact: we had to tweek our formula a little, because the average sensitive of the crowd (YOU!) has increased over time! That means we need fewer answers per movie, so we're analyzing data even faster than before.

Thanks also to all of you who joined us for the #CabinFever Bonus round yesterday, and the live hangout. Except the trolls - we do not thank you!! (Seems we've been subject to "Zoom bombing"...)

We also had a school team join the challenge - "Unioto Citizen Science Team"!! Welcome, Unioto students - we're happy to have you here! :) Hopefully more school teams join soon, so we can have a lively side schools challenge ;)

And here are the leaderboards!

Friday Bonus round (April 3) leaderboards:

Top 10 Bonus round teams by research movies:

Team nameResearch movies 1krissi277 2Dementia Action Week256 3Team Humanity110 4Kaunas Makerspace94 5CrowdAndCloud65 6lets stop alz64 7First Stone52 8Canada45 9This is our Life13 10I See Stalls3

Top 10 Bonus round users by research movies:

UsernameResearch movies 1christiane277 2ababbie177 3Ash104 4elAmber94 5Uganalandia79 6sachambers★65 7brodydashawesome64 8Nicktho52 9KarisFraMauro45 10Thomas_Adams13

Day 3 leaderboards

Note that the points leaderboards are the TOTAL points collected during the challenge, and research movie leaderboards - just Day 3.

Teams by points - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 4

Team namePoints 1testing5,232,760 2MemoryCafes4,185,164 3krissi2,279,539 4Dementia Action Week946,731 5Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day943,626 6I See Stalls889,671 7First Stone872,350 8Kaunas Makerspace797,919 9Canada651,282 10This is our Life340,473 11CrowdAndCloud301,905 12Port Angeles, WA272,177 13lets stop alz100,107 14MinnesotaNice87,217 15Alzheimer's Research UK45,844 16UniqueMappers43,884 17Alz Together Now19,098 18SciStarter12,534 19Singularity20457,762 2015apotato.7,099 21Ring Catchers5,345 22Arizona State University4,563 23Portgas D Cora2,983 24Lexington Goes Purple2,061 25TheSciFiMed1,097 26Veterans for Research1,004 27EyesOnALZ968 28MLCL884 29Unioto Citizen Science Team697 30Deerwood Science Lovers!249

Users by points - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 4

UsernamePoints 1Badstallsbadbad5232760 2caprarom★4072041 3christiane2279539 4jkaufbenefits943626 5Carol_aka_Mema★886051 6Nicktho872350 7elAmber797919 8KarisFraMauro641930 9ababbie559313 10Uganalandia387418 11Thomas_Adams337534 12sachambers★301905 13grampa1387272177 14brodydashawesome98159 15mamaanne87217 16MemoryCafeDirectory62313 17seplute/HQ47676 18Westy5645844 19Zinnykal43884 20pietro/HQ15705 21taudesirk10657 22Carolyne_Mason9352 23chairstar7982 24DreamLab7762 2589o7035 26alex_bervoets5345 27HCresAlz3620 28Lkammer3444 29jgerridgemiller3134 30Noa2983 31SC_Admin2939 32Austin_Hilgart1359 33mharp1119 34Jacob1097 35badhop551004 36JonandPaco884 37OreoSherman697 38Selchie459 39Tatting447 40Yougurt249 41Password64 42Teeman0

Teams by research movies: (Day 3)

Team nameResearch movies 1testing1383 2MemoryCafes1217 3krissi516 4Dementia Action Week330 5First Stone327 6lets stop alz270 7I See Stalls267 8Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day221 9CrowdAndCloud151 10Kaunas Makerspace149 11Canada111 12MinnesotaNice68 13Alzheimer's Research UK64 14This is our Life27 15Alz Together Now15 16Arizona State University7

Users by research movies: (Day 3)

UsernameResearch movies 1Badstallsbadbad1364 2caprarom★931 3christiane516 4jkaufbenefits331 5Carol_aka_Mema★222 6Nicktho191 7elAmber162 8KarisFraMauro157 9grampa1387111 10ababbie110 11brodydashawesome102 12Thomas_Adams68 13sachambers★67 14Uganalandia61 15mamaanne26 16Zinnykal15 17Westy567 18MemoryCafeDirectory6 19pietro/HQ4

How much research will we do today?! :)) Invite your friends & family to gather (remotely) & fight this #CabinFever while also battling Alzheimer's disease 💜

All you have to do to participate is create or join a team on Stall Catchers, and play! Find full instructions here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at