Day 9 of #CabinFever - leaderboards!

Here's the quick results of #CabinFever challenge - Day 9...

Teams by points - Day 9

Team namePoints - Day 9 1testing1623707 2MemoryCafes788089 3krissi704016 4First Stone346789 5Canada345894 6Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day342256 7This is our Life214338 8I See Stalls143858 9STALLS WILL NOT PASS78708 10Port Angeles, WA74657 11CrowdAndCloud3820 12lets stop alz3255 13UniqueMappers2

Teams by research movies - Day 9

Team nameResearch movies - Day 9 1testing1344 2MemoryCafes631 3krissi553 4First Stone314 5Canada248 6Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day308 7This is our Life247 8I See Stalls182 9STALLS WILL NOT PASS134 10Port Angeles, WA109 11CrowdAndCloud9 12lets stop alz4 13UniqueMappers0

Note: the leaderboards below are for the entire challenge.

Teams by points - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 10

Team namePoints 1testing17,405,684 2MemoryCafes11,723,425 3krissi4,914,468 4Canada4,624,155 5Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day4,361,895 6First Stone3,403,519 7I See Stalls3,100,747 8Dementia Action Week1,155,641 9This is our Life1,152,792 10Kaunas Makerspace811,955 11Port Angeles, WA551,624 12MinnesotaNice321,406 13CrowdAndCloud306,658 14lets stop alz114,071 1515apotato.111,249 16Team PH95,997 17STALLS WILL NOT PASS78,708 18Alzheimer's Research UK50,965 19UniqueMappers45,502 20Deerwood Science Lovers!40,840 21Alz Together Now38,853 22Arizona State University38,133 23AseanPlus StallCatchers15,922 24Scotch Plains Library13,439 25SciStarter12,534 26Singularity20458,242 27Ring Catchers5,345 28Portgas D Cora2,983 29Teutopolis Wooden Shoes2,559 30Lexington Goes Purple2,061 31CVGS1,665 32TheSciFiMed1,097 33Veterans for Research1,004 34EyesOnALZ968 35MLCL884 36Unioto Citizen Science Team697

Teams by research movies - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 10

Team nameResearch movies 1testing13882 2MemoryCafes9649 3krissi3931 4Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day3709 5Canada3521 6First Stone3270 7I See Stalls2784 8This is our Life1005 9Port Angeles, WA861 10Dementia Action Week637 11Kaunas Makerspace632 12MinnesotaNice362 13lets stop alz287 1415apotato.223 15CrowdAndCloud191 16Team PH177 17STALLS WILL NOT PASS134 18Alzheimer's Research UK110 19UniqueMappers106 20Arizona State University81 21Alz Together Now68 22Deerwood Science Lovers!65 23Scotch Plains Library39 24AseanPlus StallCatchers37 25SciStarter22 26Veterans for Research13 27Lexington Goes Purple10 28Teutopolis Wooden Shoes8 29Singularity20456 30Portgas D Cora5 31Ring Catchers3 32Unioto Citizen Science Team3 33CVGS2 34TheSciFiMed1 35MLCL1 36EyesOnALZ0

Users by points - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 10

UsernamePoints 1Badstallsbadbad17405684 2caprarom★11550645 3christiane4914468 4KarisFraMauro4601968 5jkaufbenefits4361895 6Nicktho3403519 7Carol_aka_Mema★3047914 8Thomas_Adams1149853 9elAmber811955 10ababbie582642 11Uganalandia572999 12grampa1387551624 13mamaanne321406 14sachambers★301905 15MemoryCafeDirectory110486 16brodydashawesome103116 17orbithunter95997 18Jania78708 19Carrot70527 20seplute/HQ59160 21HCresAlz52833 22Westy5650965 23Zinnykal44877 2489o39867 25auvielee30660 26chairstar27737 27No_one_goingto_beat_zach26920 28pietro/HQ24712 29jgerridgemiller16573 30jlee439115922 31BIGJOE202013671 32Carolyne_Mason11981 33taudesirk10657 34DreamLab8242 35G-Man7339 36alex_bervoets5345 37Ale4753 38Lkammer3444 39Noa2983 40SC_Admin2939 41callekid2908 42Boomer2867 43courtneyhoene2559 44ryangallagh3r1665 45Austin_Hilgart1359 46mharp1119 47Jacob1097 48badhop551004 49JonandPaco884 50Password855 51OreoSherman697 52priscannetu625 53Selchie459 54Tatting447 55Yougurt249 56jlopez892 57Teeman0

Users by research movies - entire challenge, up until 12pm ET, April 10

UsernameResearch movies 1Badstallsbadbad13882 2caprarom★9456 3christiane3931 4jkaufbenefits3709 5KarisFraMauro3471 6Nicktho3270 7Carol_aka_Mema★2625 8Thomas_Adams1005 9grampa1387861 10elAmber632 11mamaanne362 12Uganalandia348 13ababbie289 14brodydashawesome272 15sachambers★180 16orbithunter177 17Carrot170 18HCresAlz159 19MemoryCafeDirectory141 20Jania134 21Westy56110 22Zinnykal106 23auvielee61 24seplute/HQ50 25chairstar49 2689o47 27pietro/HQ46 28jgerridgemiller41 29jlee439137 30No_one_goingto_beat_zach36 31BIGJOE202027 32Carolyne_Mason27 33taudesirk19 34Boomer16 35badhop5513 36Ale11 37Lkammer8 38courtneyhoene8 39G-Man7 40mharp7 41DreamLab6 42Password6 43Noa5 44callekid5 45alex_bervoets3 46OreoSherman3 47ryangallagh3r2 48Yougurt2 49Jacob1 50JonandPaco1 51Tatting1 52SC_Admin0 53Austin_Hilgart0 54priscannetu0 55Selchie0 56jlopez890 57Teeman0

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