🎮 Dementia Action Week: play a game to fight Alzheimer's

This week (May 21-27) is Dementia Action Week! Spearheaded by the Alzheimer's Society (UK), it's a week to "Take an action and stand united with people affected by dementia."

There's lots of ways to get involved - browse them all here. One of actions you could take is, of course, playing Stall Catchers!

Register on Stall Catchers, join the Dementia Action Week team* and play as much as you're able until the end of the week (00:00 UTC, 28 May). * don't worry, you can rejoin your regular team at any time!

We will announce the leaders of the week, as well as the total research impact that you helped achieve at the end!

Not familiar with Stall Catchers yet?

Stall Catchers is a citizen science game looking for a treatment for Alzheimer's disease. With your help we are crowdsourcing important research at Cornell University. All you need to do is play a game - and you're doing real research in the process!

Anyone can play Stall Catchers - people living with Alzheimer's, their caregivers, families and friends have already taken part in the game.

Take action against dementia from the comfort of your home!

Join the conversation on social media: #DAW2018 Tweets

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/daw2018/