Double Points and Enhanced Leaderboard!

Double Points for the #LongestDay

On June 17, our dear friends Steve and Judy Johanson (featured in the public television documentary The Crowd and The Cloud) invited us to bring Stall Catchers their #LongestDay block party. Judy, who takes care of her husband, Steve, explained that when you are dealing with Alzheimer's disease, every day is the longest day.

With this idea in minds, we have decided to double Stall Catchers points on Longest Day of the year, which is Wednesday, June 21. This will go from midnight tonight until 8pm U.S. Eastern Time tomorrow (June 21).

Charlene Bemis, of the Mass/NH Alzheimer's Association chapter is going to be running a Stall Catchers event with her staff tomorrow for the #LongestDay. If you want to support their efforts, please feel free to join team "MA/NH Staff to END ALZ" for the day! Or if you are feeling competitive, then crank up the people on your own team for some double points!

At the end of the day we will announce the individual and team overall winners! Happy Catching!

Leaderboard Enhancements!

You might have noticed some subtle changes to the Stall Catchers leaderboard! There are two new things to be aware of:

  1. There is now a little green dot next to a user's name if they are currently playing #StallCatchers
  2. If someone moves up in the rankings, a little blue arrow shows up next to their score.

We hope you like these features. Whether or not you do, please let us know by either posting to the forum or sending an email to We love to hear from our catchers!

-Pietro (filling in for EglÄ—)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at