Drums 🥁 a special #Catchathon2018 surprise for catchers... a mobile App!

We've been at it for 4 hours, and now it's time to uncover a special Catchathon 2018 that we've had up our sleeve...

You can now play Stall Catchers via a mobile app❗

We're super excited about it - FINALLY, Stall Catchers is on a proper Android app too 😊 (iOS version still in the works, but it's coming soon too)

You can download it on Google Play store here: bit.ly/StallCatchers-Android

The app was created by Games Solutions Lab.

See how many stalls you can catch via the app during the Catchathon !!! And let us know how you do on the live chatbox on Stall Catchers of course 💬

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/catchathon2018-surprise-app/