Dear all! Bad news but hopefully it won’t our catching too much …
We received a notice that our server, where Stall Catchers data resides, has to be updated, which will result in server downtime for (hopefully) less than 2 hrs, from 2018-01-16 5:00:00 AM UTC (12AM ET).
Bear with us (and our server keepers!) while this is carried out, and apologies if anyone is deprived of their catching time for a short while … 
Another update, and a planned nap for Stall Catchers 
2018-01-18 7:00:00 AM UTC (2AM ET), and should not last too long, same as last time…
Apologies again 
Another update and more downtime, starting 2018-01-19 05:00 AM UTC 
We are upgrading the Stall Catchers servers so the site will be down for 5-10min, in about 10-20minutes! So grab a coffee/tea/anything and please come back !! 
(Also, it will depend entirely on Pietro’s skills on whether we get the Boxie back right away … ;P)