EyesOnALZ & Stall Catchers in UCL's open online course!

We're very proud to be included in the new online course "Introduction to Citizen Science and Scientific Crowdsourcing", run by our friends at UCL ExCiteS !

The course, which is free for everyone (you don't have to be a UCL student to join) includes a practical and a lecture about EyesOnALZ & Stall Catchers!!

The practical session, led by Alice Sheppard, which is both a researcher at UCL & our forum manager, was held last week - we got tons of feedback!

Here is @PenguinGalaxy leafing @UCLgeography class on citizen science and scientific crowdsourcing practical on @eyesonalz pic.twitter.com/rZl1rQW85P

— Muki Haklay (@mhaklay) January 18, 2018

And we figured (together with Alice) that "leafing" must mean planting new ideas! 🍃😜

AND the lessons learned from EyesOnALZ were included in the today's lecture: "User-centred design principles for citizen science technology" !!

We had a lot to say about our experiences with user-centered design when ExCiteS folks asked us for input, as we've run lots of community engagement workshops & gathered feedback during events and in our forum, which has largely been shaping the development of Stall Catchers! We will post our notes on this shortly for you to see as well.

We'll share links to the lecture content when we have them!

So proud to be studied at UCL! 😊

If you have ideas, questions or suggestions related to EyesOnALZ, Stall Catchers, Alzheimer's disease or citizen science in general, drop by our forum! You can also always reach us at info@eyesonalz.com.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/eyesonalz-ucl-online-course/