Happy Science Education Day ! πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬

Today, March 14th, is Science Education Day! This day has been celebrated since 2014, as "a chance to celebrate and say thank you to all those who share their passion for science with kids and adults everywhere and in all venues."

We say a huge THANK YOU to all our community members who share their knowledge and ask insightful science questions about Stall Catchers and related research 😊 we're blessed to be surrounded by such inquisitive comrades❗️

Also happy to work within a great team, who are willing to communicate sometimes complicated science concepts to others, including Alice, Egle, Viktorija, Lisa and Pietro.

And of course our biomedical collaborators from Cornell University: Chris, Nozomi, Torie and others. THANK YOU for always kindly answering the questions about the research and Alzheimer's in general!

Last but not least, a shout out to our sponsors, the BrightFocus Foundation who are not just supporting Alzheimer's research, but also do great science communication reaching the Foundation's donors and beyond. Check out this article, for example!

And, of course our rock star partners The Crowd & The Cloud (here's their 13 min segment about our project) and SciStarter, each making strides in breaching the gap between science and society, through citizen science 😊

To celebrate, we're sharing our collection of the Science of Stall Catchers videos produced by Lisa, and an interview with Chris where he talks about the research and his expectations regarding Stall Catchers. Enjoy !

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/science-education-day-2018/