I’m very confused by the criterion that the stall has to be there throughout the entire movie in order for it to be counted as a stall. This is the second time that I have heard this. I just have to say that I was not aware of this rule until recently, and I really haven’t seen a situation where it looks to me as if the stall remains there for the entire movie. However, since this is the second time that I have now heard this, I will try to keep it in mind, but I would like to say that this particular criterion is not well explained in the tutorial videos, if at all. If this is indeed a criterion for the blood vessel being counted as stalled, there really needs to be a greater effort to explain this point. There needs to be a tutorial in which an example is given of a movie where the blockage is not present for the entire movie, and another movie in which the blockage is present for the entire movie. Currently, I am still rather vague on this distinction. As far as I can see, it definitely looks to me like a stall is there. If this indeed is not the case, then there really needs to be a better tutorial that explains this distinction.
I was going to make a screenshot of the movie in question, but I accidentally refreshed the page, and it disappeared. I have no idea how to make how to refer to movies without a screenshot. As I’ve said somewhere in the past, it would be a really good idea if there were some way to refer to movies, but I understand that’s a problem with regard to design. In any event, I find the above criterion to be highly problematic. If indeed it is the case, then more explanation is necessary on this point.
I was going to leave a comment on the movie in question, but my comment is to a large fit in the comments section, so I’m posting it here.