It's #GivingTuesday!

An international day of giving 😊

Our sponsors, the BrightFocus Foundation, held a great Twitter chat earlier today, aimed to explain the ways the organization & it's generous donors are helping to speed up disease research. Including EyesOnALZ & our game, Stall Catchers, of course!

A4: We are funding #EyesOnAlLZ, the first crowd-sourced effort 2 gather data 2 help end #Alzheimers. The goal of #EyesOnALZ is to assist researchers @Cornell who are examining blood vessels in the brain for β€œstalls,” or clogged segments > blood is no longer flowing. #Give4Science

β€” Diane Bovenkamp (@DianeB1000) November 28, 2017

We took part too! (Or rather, Pietro did!)

Q8: This question goes out to any BrightFocus-funded grantee participating today. How has @_BrightFocus-funding helped you? #Give4Science #GivingTuesday

β€” BrightFocus (@_BrightFocus) November 28, 2017

A8: @_BrightFocus sponsorship brought @EyesOnALZ and the #StallCatchers online game to life - with 7,500 registered volunteers, we are analyzing research data 2-3x faster than lab techs! #Give4Science

β€” Pietro Michelucci (@pmichelu) November 28, 2017

Thanks, Pietro. We are proud to be part of your team. Your innovation and dedication are making a difference in the lives of many people around the globe affected by Alzheimer's and related dementias. #Give4Science

β€” Diane Bovenkamp (@DianeB1000) November 28, 2017

Fantastic! Your research is at the forefront of exciting new roles for #citsci Researchers like you and #citizenscientists worldwide are giving hope to many. #Give4Science #MindSightCure

β€” BrightFocus (@_BrightFocus) November 28, 2017

If you're feeling generous this #GivingTuesday, do consider supporting the awesome innovation-funding BrightFocus Foundation:

And, here's a flashback from last year's #GivingTuesday - **our blog post on [4 alternative ways to give on Giving Tuesday that don't include money](!**

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at