#LeadersBlossom -- Cherry Blossom Princess catchers! 🌸

Looks like we're in for many pleasant surprises in the lead-up to the Megathon on Saturday! And I am here to share one of them...

A couple days ago, our rock-star colleague from SciStarter, Caroline Nickerson, presented Stall Catchers to her fellow Cherry Blossom Princesses in DC!

They live-streamed it on Facebook:

And here it is in Caroline's own words:

My Stall Catchers meet-up was part of the the Women's Empowerment Conference, which is a component of the Cherry Blossom Princess Program.

The Cherry Blossom Princess Program is a week-long program that offers cultural, educational, and professional development opportunities for young woman leaders; it is a celebration of the friendship between the United States and Japan (which is also symbolized by the iconic cherry blossoms), and it's now in its 71st year.

Every US State has a princess, and there are also princesses from US territories and from other countries. I am proudly representing my home state of Florida.

As part of my platform, I plan to raise money for awareness of hurricane relief in the Florida panhandle. I lost my grandfather during Hurricane Michael last year, so this has all meant so much to me.

You can contribute to this cause, too! Head over to app.mobilecause.com/f/21r3/n to get started (please name Bay County in your donation).

This Cherry Blossom Princess Program is already shaping up to be amazing, and it's only day two; not only am I making friends with amazing people and empowered women from all over the world, it's also so awesome that they're letting me share Stall Catchers, something I'm passionate about, with the other princesses!

And if this weren't enough, Caroline will also be hosting her own Megathon meetup at the Northeast Neighborhood Library in DC on Saturday, which she will be getting to by running directly from the Cherry Blossom Parade!! :)

Stayed tuned for more Megathon surprises ... only a couple days left!!! 🎉

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/cherry-blossom-princess-catchers/