🎥 Lecture: the role of reduced blood flow in Alzheimer's & the Stall Catchers game

Last Friday, Pietro gave a talk at Cornell University alongside our biomedical collaborators Nozomi & Chris. The lecture covers the aspects of the science behind Stall Catchers, i.e. the role of stalls and reduced blood flow in the brain in Alzheimer's, as well as the inception and story of the game to date.


Join the game that's speeding up Alzheimer's research âž¡ StallCatchers.com

Updated: some wonderful feedback from the audience

Chris Schaffer, Nozomi Nishimura and Pietro Michelucci were all fantastic speakers. Without being condescending to the audience, and freely admitting everyone is a lay audience in areas outside their specialty, they clearly explained cutting edge research and algorithm applications so I could understand the topics and relate them to my real life. Furthermore they prompted me to think about taking action to further their research efforts by participating in Stall Catchers and the upcoming Megathon. How motivational!

All of the above were first rate.

I felt the presenters were very knowledgeable in the disease of Alzheimer's. I was fascinated by the research that was presented.

>Obviously very knowledgeable, and able to describe things clearly to non-scientists. The questions from the audience drew out the "so what" info from the older person's point of view. Interesting to see scientists at work. >well done!

The presented findings now also published in "Neutrophil adhesion in brain capillaries reduces cortical blood flow and impairs memory function in Alzheimer’s disease mouse models", Nature Neuroscience, 22, pages 413–420 (2019).

Video originally published on Cornell University's "Video on demand".

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/lecture-cornell-march-22/