Lexington Goes Purple for The Longest Day today, with Stall Catchers! 💜

Lexington, MA, are painting the town purple today to raise awareness and funds to end Alzheimer's disease. Aaaaand.... among other activities, they're doing Stall Catchers!

We'll have a special challenge on in the game from 3.30 to 4.30pm ET today, with local Lexington catchers joining in during that time from the Cary Memorial Library 💜

But as always, anyone can take part! If you'd like to participate too, and help Lexington do as much Alzheimer's disease research as possible in just one hour, please join their team! 👇

**[Join "Lexington Goes Purple"!](http://lexington.stallcatchers.com)**

==All catchers will be getting **DOUBLE POINTS**!==

As a reminder, we are currently analyzing the "Long Term" dataset, seeking to understand how late into disease development an increase in brain blood flow, due to a decrease in capillary stalling, still leads to an improvement in performance on short-term memory tasks.

If you'd like to support them further, do check out Lexington Goes Purple fundraising page, and follow them on Facebook to see all other activities they have planned!

Good luck Lexingtoners - we are excited to be working together with you to END Alz! 💜

*Follow the real-time leaderboards during the challenge [here](https://stallcatchers.com/realTimeLeaderboards?column1=80-table-score&column2=80-table-annotations&column3=80-table-realannotations).*

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/lexington-2019/