#LongestDay Challenge Standings

Check back here for the latest standings for the #LongestDay Challenge (Ends at 8pm U.S. Eastern Time, June 21, 2017).

Final Team Standings

Congratulations to team "MA/NH Staff to END ALZ" for annotating the most vessels (2,889 - which would take a lab scientist almost 3 days) on the #LongestDay!!! While the top teams all made steady progress to hold their ranking, there were no major changes in the upper echelons of the leaderboard. In the bottom half, however, there was a final sprint by team "This is our Life" - Judy & Steve Johanson's team, whose last minute effort reflects exactly the idea that even at the end of a very long day when there is no energy left, as a caregiver, you just keep going.

Final Individual Standings

In the individual competition, two of our stalwart Catchers topped the leaderboard. Michael "caprarom" Capraro took first place with 1751 annotations, followed closely by gcalkins with 1,467 annotations. thenickb and GnabGib were neck and neck (nick and nab?) for 3rd and 4th places respectively, and goconne took 5th place with a very respectable 706 annotations. FlowFinder and Michael Landau rounded out the upper tier with over 500 annotations each.

Many other catchers, on and off the leaderboard below, contributed to today's collective total of 7,848 annotations, which is one big chunk of analysis that gets us closer to an Alzheimer's treatment. To all of you who participated in today's challenge, and especially to those who participate every day whether points are doubled or not, we are truly grateful. The competitive spirit makes this fun, but in the end, we are working together to #CrushALZ for once and for all. As the days get shorter, with our continued joint effort, so will the time to a treatment target for Alzheimer's disease.

My sincere gratitude, Pietro Michelucci


Update: less than two hours to go!

There are less than two hours left in our #LongestDay challenge. Team "MA/NH Staff to END ALZ" still leads with a wide margin, doubling the number of annotations of second place team "EyesOnALZ". CitSci Gamers valiantly holds 3rd place at the moment. But watch out! Stall Destroyers did indeed pass CrowdAndCloud an hour ago, but since then CrowdAndCloud shot past and looks uncatchable for 4th place and is possibly vying to steal 3rd from CitSciGamers. The rest of the field looks stable. Nice of Cornell to pay a visit! The next time we check back it will be to deliver the final standings and declare winners (Team and Individual) for the Longest Day.

5 hours to go!

With 5 hours to go in the #LongestDay challenge, team "MA/NH Staff to END ALZ" - today's featured team, is leading the field by a wide margin in total vessel annotations. Team "EyesOnALZ" is holding a solid second position, but 5 hours is plenty of time for Team "CitSci Gamers" to catch up. CrowdAndCloud is in 4th but keep your eye on the ball - we know from past experience that "Stall Destroyers" can make a strong late come-back. Also noteworthy is a fresh showing by team "Veterans for Research".

We'll check back in a few hours with another update!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/longestday-challenge-standings/