Meeting with Asta - a catcher in Lithuania!

Eglė here, reporting straight from the Sunrise Valley in Vilnius, Lithuania, where I had the pleasure to meet one of local catchers here in Vilnius - Asta (Astrocitija) !

We got in touch with Asta during the #RedeemLoot competition in Stall Catchers - she was the very first participant to submit her loot, and therefore got a special bonus from us - Stall Catchers & EyesOnALZ laptop stickers, which I delivered during our meeting .. 😄

Asta has found out about Stall Catchers from our abstract in the recent conference here in Vilnius - Open Readings 2017. Here I presented our poster From Stardust to Blood Stalls: How Interdisciplinary Citizen Science is Changing the Way We Do Research (see it here).

Asta is a researcher here, in the Genetics department of the Joint Life Science Centre of Vilnius University.

The Sunrise Valley in Vilnius - this is where the Life Sciences, Physics, Communication, Technology departments of Vilnius University and many other great things reside!

Asta said she has been drawn into the game & really likes it!! Woohoo!!

My best way to relax is to catch some very tricky stalls - that's why I ADORE STALL CATCHERS so much 👍 said Asta when she first got in touch!

Most importantly, Asta has agreed to lead the team in Vilnius during the upcoming #Catchathon !!! Yay! I hope they win 😛 (not biased at all...)

Awesome to meet catchers in person! ❤ Best from sunny Lithuania..!

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