#Megathon interim update & leaderboards -- 4.5 hours left! 😱

Only a few hours left in the Megathon, and nd we're steadily reaching our goal -- complete an entire dataset 🤩

Over 60% done now -- come help us in the final push! 💪

These guys can be intimidating! .. (no offence super catchers, we love you 😜*) But remember -- every little bit helps!! :) If you can only dedicate 5 minutes for catching -- go for it! Once you go through the first ten introductory movies, you start analyzing more and more real data and contributing towards the research goal* 💜

Thank you all so much for your contributions so far!

Check back for the final Megathon results & full report coming tomorrow morning ET (Monday, Apr 15) !

Catch up on the Megathon live stream:

Tweets by eyesonalz

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/megathon-interim-update/