🎮 Play Stall Catchers during Dementia Awareness Week in Scotland

This week is Dementia Awareness Week in Scotland (4-10 June). We're joining in with a special challenge in Stall Catchers!

To participate, just login or register on Stall Catchers, and play as much as you're able until the end of the week (00:00 UTC, 10 June).

We will announce the leaders of the week, as well as the total research impact that you helped achieve at the end!

Not familiar with Stall Catchers yet?

Stall Catchers is a citizen science game looking for a treatment for Alzheimer's disease. With your help we are crowdsourcing important research at Cornell University. All you need to do is play a game - and you're doing real research in the process!

Anyone can play Stall Catchers - people living with Alzheimer's, their caregivers, families and friends have already taken part in the game.

Take action against dementia from the comfort of your home!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/dementia-awareness-scotland/