Related Literature and References

In this thread we collect literature that deals with ethical questions/ ethical oversight and citizen science as well as related references. Please feel free to contribute!

Literature and references from the workshop chat:
U.S. Citizen Science Association Law & Policy Working Group: You

Cooper C, Shanley L, Scassa T, Vayena E. Project Categories to Guide Institutional Oversight of Responsible Conduct of Scientists Leading Citizen Science in the United States. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 2019;4(1):7. DOI:

paper about community IRBs:

Code of research ethics by SAN people in Southern African countries:

Andrea Wiggins and John Wilbanks (2019): The Rise of Citizen Science in Health and Biomedical Research:

GIDA: CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance: CARE Principles — Global Indigenous Data Alliance

Durham University: Ethics in community-based participatory research.

Examination off ethical issues and instituted codes etc. by the Participatory Mapping/PGIS/PPGIS community: Practical Ethics

Rambaldi, Giacomo et al. (2006): Practical ethics for PGIS practitioners, facilitators, technology intermediaries and researchers.

paper on neoliberalism in citizen science: Vohland, K., Weißpflug, M. and Pettibone, L., 2019. Citizen Science and the Neoliberal Transformation of Science – an Ambivalent Relationship. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice , 4(1), p.25. DOI:

Fox, Jefferson & Suryanata, Krisnawati & Hershock, Peter. (2005). Mapping Communities: Ethics, Values, Practice.

Karola V. Kreitmair and David C. Magnus (2019): Citizen Science and Gamification.

Gray, Mary L.; Suri, Siddharth (2019): Ghost Work. How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclass. Boston/ New York.

Rudnicka, A; Cox, AL; Gould, S; (2019) Why Do You Need This? Selective Disclosure of Data Among Citizen Scientists. In: Cox, Annaand Kostakos, Vassilis, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2019 (CHI '19 ) CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. paper no. 392). ACM: New York, NY, USA. Why Do You Need This? Selective Disclosure of Data Among Citizen Scientists - UCL Discovery.

Project TRUSTWORTHY DATA PRACTICES (Caren Cooper, Lisa Rasmussen, Elizabeth Jones):

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Great to have the literature on one side. Thanks.

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