Santa Catcher

Good news, fellow stall catchers – Ms. Catcher has caught the holiday spirit!

And that can only mean...

That’s right, from now until Christmas Eve, each vessel annotated on Stall Catchers is worth double the points than normal. A perfect opportunity climb that leaderboard and catch up with some of our catcher-superstars!

I think I might use this opportunity to do just that myself

**Top 25 catchers today**: Are you on here? :) Finale of our first challenge!

Don't forget, there's still 7 days to go on our first challenge. Still some movies to complete there! Can we achieve our goal by next week?!

Let's get catching those lazy holiday stalls everyone!

P.S. Here’s a fantastic video by Alzheimer's Research UK to remind us what is all of this really about... Believe in the power of research this Christmas :

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at