Schools of the #CabinFever challenge!

Woohoo! We have four school teams participating in the #CabinFever challenge so far! Three from the US, and one from Belgium, as far as we can tell :)

HB Woodlawn 7th Grade Stall Catchers, from HB Woodlawn school, Virginia, that joins us every year during their science expo, are in the lead! 🎉

Next are Ring Catchers from Atheneum De Ring Leuven school in Belgium. Followed by Teutopolis Wooden Shoes from Teutopolis High School, Illinois, and Unioto Citizen Science Team from Union-Scioto Local School District, Ohio!

Team namePointsResearch moviesAll movies 1HB Woodlawn 7th Grade Stall Catchers71531081 2Ring Catchers534535 3Teutopolis Wooden Shoes2559810 4Unioto Citizen Science Team69739

Thanks for joining teams, and let the competition begin! ;)

If you're a teacher or a student, wanting to enter your team in the Stall Catchers #CabinFever challenge, you can find more information about the challenge here. All you need to do is sign up on Stall Catchers, create a team for your school (don't forget to select the "Schools" league), grab the invite link from your team page and invite everyone from your school! Find full instructions for creating and handling teams here.

You'll automatically appear in our challenge and school leaderboards, which we announce here on this blog every day!

Here's a quick intro to Stall Catchers for students:

If you're a school team already participating in the challenge, but you don't appear on these School leaderboards, please let us know and we'll fix it!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at