Stall Catchers @ British Science Festival

We've been engaged in an events marathon this month! You might have caught that on social media (thanks to our new social media manager, Vika, our Facebook, Instagram & Twitter pages have been super busy with cool content!), but we'll report all the events on the blog too!

British Science Festival, 5-9 September

The entire EyesOnALZ core team met in Brighton for this event: Ieva, Claire, Vika, Egle & Pietro! Here's Vika & Egle on the way to UK (in case you didn't know that yet, Stall Catchers is a perfect lay-over activity 😜 )

BSF a press conference on Stall Catchers where Pietro presented the game & the new preliminary research result achieved with catchers help! We will upload a video of the press conference soon. It was based on this press release:

(click on image to download the press release pdf)

And here's some pics from the press conference, which generated lots of interest & was covered by the BBC, Australian long-running radio show: The Science Show on ABC & many local and regional news outlets! (iNews, The Mail, Financial Times, BioWorld).

Click on image below to play the slideshow:

Brighton Pier Takeover! Our next adventure was running a Stall Catchers booth - in the rain, on the super windy Brighton Pier 😆

We had lots of interest though, despite the weather (and lack of a stable Internet connection, ha!), and talked to a bunch of local festival goers! Hope many of them continue to play the game!

Click on image below to play the slideshow:

Some got super-engaged, super-fast and were awarded with a special Stall Catchers mug 💜

We met the next day for an intense planning meeting & to discuss what's next in Stall Catchers!

That's that for British Science Festival in a nutshell.

Next: Stall Catchers/Human Computation Institute tour in Lithuania, to be reported very soon ! ;)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at