Sunrise to sunset: Honoring Steve Johanson with "This Is Our Life" challenge 💜 TRIPLE points!

TODAY, June 16, our dear friends, the community in Watertown, MA, are painting their town purple again for The Longest Day. The event has been organized by Judy & Steve Johanson and their family for several years now, and aims to raise funds & awareness about Alzheimer's disease.

This year the event will take on new meaning, as Steve lost his battle with Alzheimer's earlier this year. Our lead Pietro had the honor to meet Judy & Steve in person during The Longest Day event last year. See his touching post, "Remembering Steve Johanson", here 💜

Last year, Watertown's event included a block party with Stall Catchers stands, which were wildly successful !! (See short video below.) We are hoping to repeat this success and break new records in the game this year :)

This month is dedicated to #TheLongestDay events to #EndAlzheimers

Help us do so by speeding up research via #StallCatchers! 😊 Join #TheLongestDay team right here: 💜

— EyesOnALZ (@eyesonalz) June 3, 2018
Join "This Is Our Life" team in Stall Catchers, stand together with Watertown and honor Steve on The Longest Day!

We are running a special challenge in Stall Catchers with triple points (!) from sunrise (5:07am EDT) to sunset (8:24pm EDT) on June 16. To participate, all you need to do is:

  1. Head to Stall Catchers via this link
  2. Login with an existing account or Registern
  3. Make sure you're part of "This Is Our Life" team
  4. Catch! Every contribution helps accelerate Alzheimer's research at Cornell University.
  5. If you need more help, you will find it here

Good luck Watertown!! We will be reporting on the leaderboards & total research impact achieved tomorrow!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at