Thank you for contributing to research on The Longest Day 💜 (updated)

Yesterday, during the longest day of the year, we joined forces to #ENDAlzheimers via Stall Catchers. Here's the final results!

We fell a little short of our goal of 6500 movies, but still managed to achieve 157 hours of lab time in just 24 hours!

Please pardon our glitches! There was a bug in the system on the day of The Longest Day challenge, distorting the leaderboards a bit. The updated (correct!) version is below:

Congrats to gcalkins for scoring the most points, QueenV for claiming the first place in both Total and Real (research) movies, and everyone else who made it to the top 10!

One of the pleasant surprises was this student group joining (rallied by our good friend Kelly Corrigan) from Shawsheen Tech School:

Shawsheen students playing Stall Catchers! Working toward the cure! Our part in THE LONGEST DAY!!! #endalz #crushalz #gamesforgood

— Kelly Corrigan (@MsKellyCorrigan) June 21, 2018
Thank you for being part of The Longest Day this year and helping us #ENDAlz 💜

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at