Watertown community logs 1 week of research time in 1 day!

Thank you so much for joining us and the Watertown community in the special "This Is Our Life" challenge today 💜

Together, we managed to achieve about 39.7 hours of research, that is almost 1 week in the lab!! And all of that in just one day!

Here are the final leaderboards:

More activities for The Longest Day are to come this month, but more importantly: let's stand together against Alzheimer's every day 💜

See this personal invitation by Judy Johanson to wear a purple string as a reminder that we're all connected by a common thread 💜 You can get your purple string mailed to you here.

Tell us your story too - why do you wear a purple string?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/watertown-2018-results/