Welcome to EyesOnALZ!

In case you didn't know - EyesOnALZ is a brand new citizen science project, taking on Alzheimer's disease!

We have just released our first game - Stall Catchers - and we are ready to get this party started! Anyone can play the game to speed up Alzheimer's research - no age limit or other possible excuses exist!

By working together we could find Alzheimer's treatments faster, and rid the world of the disease that affects everyone.

Follow us!

Follow our blog for the newest developments of EyesOnALZ, updates on Stall Catchers, and feedback on how exactly are YOUR contributions helping to beat Alzheimer's.

You can subscribe right here:

>EyesOnALZ can also be followed on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/eyesonalz), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/eyesonalz) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/eyesonalz/). Got something to say?

Check out our Forum! EyesOnALZ community & Stall Catchers players hang out here!

For more info be sure to also visit our website, where you will find all about EyesOnALZ, our Press Kit, and the details of our awesome Team. Which, by the way, consists of:

Our project is funded by the BrightFocus Foundation and its generous donors. Please have a look here to find their comprehensive Alzheimer's disease toolkit.

We're super excited to get started... Here we go!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/welcome-to-eyesonalz/