We're going to Twin Cities for #CitSci2017 conference next week!

We're participating in Citizen Science Association 2017 conference in Twin Cities (US) next week - the largest citizen science conference out there! :)

See below for events open to the public, if you're in town!

Pietro is going to present the new dynamic consensus methods we have been developing, so we can reliably tell stalled & flowing vessels apart with much fewer crowd answers.

Stall Catchers players are about to get even more superpowers & analyse data at super speed!! :)) We'll report more on that on the blog soon.

A large proportion of our team is also going to be there, including Egle, Alice, Claire, Andrew, Darlene, Jennifer & Anne !!

Pietro's talk: Validated Dynamic Consensus Approach for Citizen Science Projects Employing Crowd-based Detection Tasks (Friday, May 19 • 2:15pm - 3:15pm) is on the schedule here: http://sched.co/ARKO

We will live stream it on our Facebook page, so be sure to tune in! :)

See the full conference program here: https://csa2017.sched.com

Come along if you're in town!

There are also several events open to the public if you're in or around town during that time:

  1. Meet the Authors: Book Discussion Panel (Wednesday, May 17th 2017 at 5:30pm – 6:30), featuring the authors of these amazing books on citizen science: -- SciStarter’s Darlene Cavalier (ASU): The Rightful Place of Science: Citizen Science -- Dr. Caren Cooper (NCSU): Citizen Science: Changing the Face of Discovery -- Mary Ellen Hannibal: Citizen Scientist: Searching for Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction http://citizenscience.org/2017/03/21/authors-panel/
See you there if you can make it, or if not - we'll be posting lots of pics & live streams whenever we can! :)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/citsci2017/