What better time to announce #Megathon @ Lituanicon if not on... #TolkienReadingDay! 😜🚀

Fantastic news! (no pun intended) Stall Catchers has been invited to be present at the long running Lithuania's fantasy convention -- Lituanicon !! 🚀

I was pleasantly surprised to be approached by one of the event's organizers, and a fellow science communicator / fantasy lover, a colleague on Lithuania's #1 science popularization TV -- "Mokslo sriuba" ("Science Soup"), and the writer of this kick-ass astro/physics blog in Lithuania -- Kastytis Zubovas -- a couple weeks ago. He welcomed Stall Catchers to be present in the midst of the alike crowd at Lituanicon on the day of the Megathon, and of course my answer could only have been... YES!!

Fun fact: the Lithuanian fantasy convention has been running every year for 29 years. That is as long as the free Republic of Lithuania has been in existence!! That's pretty cool isn't it.

Fun fact #2: this year among all sorts of fantasy-related talks and activities, topics such as the link between humans and computers will be covered too! Not entirely in a sense as we work on here at the Human Computation Institute (more direct merge of the two), but hey -- that could be part of the next generation of human computation, perhaps leading to even superior ways to fight crises and diseases, such as Alzheimer's, in the future!

So very excited -- follow updates from Stall Catchers adventures (and my own, ha!) at Lituanicon on the day here and on Twitter. Looking forward to playing the game among many-a-likeminded-folks!

Cheers and happy #TolkienReadingDay of course 😊

Handy Megathon resources:

Megathon trailer:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/megathon-lituanicon/