What does it take to become a vessel expert in Stall Catchers? Interview with our rock star Torie! ♥

Why can't Cornell University researchers do their work Alzheimer's research work effectively without the help of citizen scientists? What does it take to become an expert in recognizing stalls?

Interview with Victorine (Torie) Muse -- the rock star of Stall Catchers and a former Master's student at the Schaffer-Nishimura Lab, Cornell University. Torie helped train the whole team at EyesOnALZ in the early development of the project, spearheaded the alpha testing, and prepared all the training movies in Stall Catchers.

Join the game that's speeding up Alzheimer's research ➡ StallCatchers.com

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/interview-torie/