Who determines what values a robot has? Who determines what is right for society and what is wrong? And what does the guy who made the computer mouse have do with any of this? (Hint: it's more than you might think😉)
Luckily, you can hear how it all fits together if you follow this link to a recent talk Pietro gave.
This talk is from the “Perspectives on Hybrid Human-AI Systems" workshop where Pietro was the opening speaker. On that bright Monday morning, he spoke to a room full of researchers and experts from various fields. What unified everyone there was an interest in hybrid intelligence (aka how humans and AI can think together to solve problems that are otherwise unsolvable.)
Computer scientists, anthropologists, data engineers, philosophers, and others could each bring insights on the topic from their own specific expertise to enrich the group's collective understanding.
As the week went on, it was clear that Pietro’s talk was a perfect start to workshop and came up in discussion quite a bit.
Feel free to write in the forum, or leave us a comment on Youtube. We would love to know what you think!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.hcinst.org/where-do-robots-get-their-motives